Mamardashvili Nugzar

Mamardashvili Nugzar, Speaker at Infection Conferences

Deputy Director

Mamardashvili Nugzar

Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation


Mamardashvili Nugzar Zhoraevich obtained M.Sc. degree of the Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (ISUCT) in 1987, and defended PhD thesis in organic chemistry at the G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISC RAS) in 1990. Since that time he works at the ISC RAS, defended Doctor Science degree in 1999, and degree of ISUCT professor on organic chemictry in 2007. He was awarded by Young Scientist Investigator Award from INTAS in 2001, the Ministry of Higher Education of France in 2002, and the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities in 2011. He worked as postdoc at the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (KUL), Belgium in 2001-2002, and at the Université Louis Pasteur, France in 2002-2003. As visiting professor he worked at the KUL in 2012 and Lund University, Sweden in 2014. Prof. Mamardashvili served or is serving as Leading Scientist (in 1999-2002), Chief Scientist (in 02-2005) and Head of the Laboratory of Coordination chemistry of macrocyclic compounds at the ISC RAS (since 2005 till now). Since 2016 Prof. Mamardashvili is a Deputy Director on Research of the ISC RAS.
